If you want to make money online, you need 3 things: 1) a high-converting product of your own 2) an email list of customers 3) free viral traffic... === That way, you can... > make sales & build a list... > generate affiliate commissions... > and get swarms of buyers! Sounds great, right? But there's a problem... === To get customers, leads & traffic, you need... A product to sell - ideally software, which can cost as much as $10,000 to build... A squeeze page - which can cost over $1,000, and thousands more test A sales video - at $1,500 these don't come cheap Plus, keyword research software, design tools & more - at $300-500 per MONTH And... the technical skill to build your websites, integrate everything, and start selling... All in all, you're looking at $1,000 to $15,000 just to get started.. === Plus hundreds of hours in time to set everything up... And that's just for ONE funnel, promoting ONE product.. No wonder the average person "knows" they need a product, and need to build a list... But just doesn't have the ability to make it work in 2019! So... what if you don't have that kind of time or money? === Presenting Affiliate Funnel Bot An all-in-one cloud-based app... That does everything you need to sell your own products, build a list & make commissions.... Pre-loaded with products that cost me over $17,000 to develop... And affiliate programs that made me hundreds of sales... In 60 seconds! Now here's how it works... === Imagine if you were given a complete info marketing business in a box... With website design, list-building funnel & affiliate links... All 100% done for you... and newbie-friendly... So you could sell 7 of the top-selling digital products of all-time... Promote 30 of the top affiliate programs on ClickBank, JVZoo & WarriorPlus... Build a huge list on any autoresponder you like... And do it all in just 60 seconds... === With my Affiliate Funnel Building software! So you can keep 100% of the profits, get 100% of the list... And finally sell your own product, with your own list-building funnel - in as little as 60 seconds! === Now here's what this is all about... Hi, I'm Chris, and along with my partners Rich & Teresa... I'm the creator of a new software tool, the Affiliate Funnel Bots. A $10,000 software pre-filled with the EXACT funnels, products, designs & affiliate promotions... That are generating sales & leads for us, in 2019 - RIGHT NOW. So you can login to the software, make a few tweaks... Then, turn around and launch these "1 Click Funnels" on Google, Facebook, Instagram & YouTube... And do it with zero competition for Spring 2019! Sounds crazy, right! Now here's how it works... === Presenting, the Affiliate Funnel Bots... Funnel Bots is a brand new, fully automated software that allows YOU to create 100% done for you affiliate funnels... in just a few clicks. All the hard work has already been done for you... === In fact, the software comes preloaded with the exact affiliate campaigns, products & designs... That are generating sales & leads for us right now... === And YES, FunnelBot integrates with ALL these major platforms Aweber... Getresponse.. clickbank.. jvzoo.. warriorplus... sendlane... facebook... youtube.. google.. etc === I'm talking Done For You Affiliate Funnels.... For JVZoo & ClickBank... With 1-Click autoresponder integration... Complete with 20 funnels & websites... 30 Professionally created campaign videos... 30 done-for-you headlines... And 30 Google, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube free traffic campaigns... Plus resell rights to 7 of our best-selling JVZoo products! All proven to sell & get leads, and built into the software... before you even login. Seriously. This is really is THE proven, straight out of the box software... If you want to sell your own product, build a list or create stunning funnels... This is THE game-changer for 2019... And all YOU need to do is, login to the software, choose a campaign... Then go live on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube - with one of the "copy-and-paste campaigns".. You'll even get resell rights to 7 softwares that generated five... even six- figures in sales! So can you imagine the kind of results you'd get with this brand new software? Well, let me show you what's possible with this done-for-you software, in 2019... OK.. here goes... === STEP ONE First choose from one of our proven funnels, promoting products on ClickBank, WarriorPlus, Amazon or JVZoo. The FunnelBot lets you choose from profitable affiliate campaigns, or six-figure reseller campaigns. Then, insert a done-for-you video in just one click... Click again... to insert your done-for-you headlines, keywords and the affiliate link. Add your buy link or autoresponder in another click... And yes, FunnelBot integrates with all of these platforms in 1 click... So build your funnel, then click through to the next step... === STEP TWO Now we have our funnel, so it's time to choose your website template... The FunnelBot includes the EXACT landing pages that have generated thousands in sales & commissions for us... All of the templates are fully responsive, high-converting - and of course easily editable in just a few clicks... So choose your template and move onto the final step... === STEP THREE Now your funnel is live with professional video, headline and links... So it's time to go live and quickly get traffic! And that's where our template traffic campaigns come in. These templates let you swipe the EXACT keywords we have used to get a tonne of traffic from Instagram, Facebook & YouTube. So you're guaranteed to plug your done-for-you funnel...into swarms of free buyer traffic! === STEP 4 That's it! Simply rinse and repeat... And use the proven formula, over and over, for affiliate profits & commissions... === With FunnelBots, you're getting 3 software tools in 1... Software #1 The Squeeze Page Builder - to build your list with Simply choose from 20 stunning templates Then integrate ANY autoresponder in 1 click... Add 30 affiliate links to monetize in 1 click... And start building your list - today! Software #2 Sales Letter Builder - to sell your own product... Pre-loaded with resell rights to 7 of our top-selling software tools! With 10 high-converting VSL design templates... Done-for-you sales videos... And 1 click integration with all these payment providers! Software #3 Done For You Traffic Campaigns Once your campaign is funnel, you'll want to get traffic... And that's why Funnel Bots contains done-for-you campaigns for Instagram, Facebook, YouTube & Google... With pre-researched keywords & interests... Built right into the software! === So there you have it... The Affiliate Funnel Bot is THE way to create PROVEN campaigns, for the most profitable niches.. and in the fastest time. So YOU can start generating leads & sales with your own products! Whenever someone purchases a product from your funnel... YOU get paid & the buyer is added to YOUR autoresponder So, are you starting to see just how powerful, profitable and scalable this brand new software could be for you? === There's NO products to develop, no websites to design, no coding, and no expenses whatsoever... === In fact, all you need to do is CLONE my done for you affiliate funnels... Pre-loaded with 30 softwares... And 7 done for you products.. That cost me over $17,000 to develop! We supply the products, funnels, designs, videos & campaigns.. And you get to keep 100% of the profits! You get a "done-for-you" instant website... with pre-made video, design & keywords... And 30 top-selling products... All built into one website! You copy my entire business by just entering a few lines of text... Then you get a customized website, selling my $17,000 products! See... === We spent over $17,000 creating 10 products.. We spent hundreds creating high-converting designs & funnels... We dropped thousands on HD promos for 10 of our products, plus 20 affiliate programs we promoted.. And, we of course proved this all works by generating sales with these funnels... And lastly, we wrapped all of this up into ONE done for you software... === The Affiliate Funnel Bot. It's so easy that anyone can use it... It's PROVEN... It's automated! And it's just one click away! So isn't it time you let me Affiliate Funnel Bots do the work for you? OK great... === The first step is to click on the order button. I'll send you an instant access link to the Affiliate Funnel Bot software tool... Pre-loaded with all my web designs, videos, headlines, campaigns... Including 20 fully responsive web pages... 30 done for you videos... 30 Headlines written by a seven figure copywriter... And of course 25 free traffic campaigns... Plus resell rights to 7 of our best-selling JVZoo products! Plus... The software also includes training videos... And a quick start guide that walks you through the software in a simple PDF document... Oh, and I'll also include personal access to my email address in the members area. === Now remember, I'm here to help you succeed. That's why your purchase is backed by a 100% cast-iron money-back guarantee If you don't fall in love with AffiliateFunnelBots, just let us know and we will refund you... 100%! === All YOU need to do is to click the get started button. But you MUST act now. DON'T be left behind! If you had to start from scratch, it would cost you many thousands of dollars... and years of trial and error... to even come close to replicating my done-for-you affiliate funnels... In fact you'd probably never even get anywhere near these types of leads, sales & conversions... And that's what makes my Done For You solution so unique... === Click on the order button to get started. You'll then be taken to the payment page. Simply fill out your information on this page and then confirm your payment. You'll then get instant access to my software in under a minute. So, if you're finally ready to plug into our proven, done-for-you affiliate funnels, this is your chance. OK... Are you ready to get started? Then click the button... And I'll see you on the inside...